1. 双十 一
北美有“黑色星期五”(Black Friday)和“剁手星期一”(Cyber Monday),那我们的“双十一”到底如何表达?
✔ Double Eleven
对外国人,直接说double eleven就行了,知道双十一的,自然不用解释。如果不知道的,你可以说 double eleven online shopping event.
国外网站直接说Double Eleven Day▼
2. 剁手党
说起这个剁手啊,是各种上瘾买家的自嘲,新华网的twitter翻译成了“hands-chopping people”▼
big spender
3. 包邮
快递运输是 shipping 所以,包邮 - free shipping 退货 - return I'm not satisfied with this product, I'd like to return it. I'd like to have a refund. 5. 差评 差评 - negative comment 例: I left a negative comment because of the poor quality. 因为质量太差,我留了一个差评 6. 如何向歪果仁介绍淘宝Taobao? an eBay-like site that is the country‘s leader in e-commerce/Taobao, a Chinesee Bay-like market place 7.实体店 bricks-and-mortar shops/ physical shops/ high street stores 8.网上商城 online shop/shopping mall 9.电子商务 e-commerce/ e-business 10.电商 e-tailors 11.实体零售商 bricks-and-mortar / physical retailors Pre-sale 13.网购火爆 online shopping boom 14.物流与仓储 logistics and inventory/ logistics and warehousing eg. 淘宝和天猫是连接买卖双方的平台,自身并不承担物流或仓储成本。 Because its Tmall and Taobao platforms connect buyers and sellers, the firm does not carry the cost of logistics or inventory. 15.快递公司 express company/ parcel delivery company 16.快递员 parcel people / courier 17.送货 (free) shipping;shipment 18.零售额 retail sales 19.网购者 online shoppers/e-shoppers 20.下单 place your order 21.单身、光棍 singleton 22.剩女 “left over”women, 3S lady(Single, Seventies, Stuck); be on the shelf (口) 23.互联网普及率 Internet penetration rate 24.支付宝充值 Top up money to your Alipay account 25.七天无理由退货 7 Days Return 26.网民数量 internet population 27.网民 netizen/internet users 28.写评论 post product reviews online 29.秒杀/限时抢购 flash sale/lightening deals 30.顾客评论 31.企业对消费者的电子商务模式 B2C 32.信用卡盗用 credit card abuses/steal one’s credit card 33.红包、优惠券 Red envelopes & Coupons 34.营销策略 marketing strategy 35.占据更大市场份额 occupy a larger portion of the online retail market/ win market share 36.第三方支付平台 third party payment platform 38.加入购物车 add to cart 39.买到便宜货/得到最实惠的价格 grab a bargain/get the best deals 40.团购 group-buying 41.现金券/抵金券 rebate coupon 42.打折券 discount coupon 43.网上纠纷 online dispute 45.评分 Rating n./rate v. 46.要求退款 ask for a refund
4. 退货退款
退款 - refund [ˈrifʌnd]
customer reviews